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Salleri Eco-tourism Education Project

Based in the Solu Khumbu region of the Himalayas (near Everest), volunteers worked in the Salleri area undertaking an eco-tourism survey from a Westerners point of view.


The Salleri area is, as yet, very underdeveloped with regard to attracting tourists. Certainly it has all the attributes:- beautiful landscape; numerous villages that are home to the Sherpa people; a very lively bazaar held at the weekends; a Tibetan refugee camp; and many splendid Buddhist monestaries. What Salleri needs now is guidance, to point out what a trekking tourist would require, and an analyses of the various issues that introducing tourists into an area would bring. By recommending ways to capitalise on tourism, and strategies to minimise any harmful 'side effects'. The traditional tourist routes in Nepal are already creaking under the weight of so many visitors and it is vital that new routes be opened up to spread the impact. It is inevitable that Salleri, already being scrutinised by entrepreneurial eyes, will become another major route to the Everest National Park. Now it is up to people to ensure that the necessary controls are in place so that the area is as unspoilt in 20 years time as it is now.

The Project

The team worked alongside SEEP, a local Non Government Organisation. The following projects were identified:

  • Compiling a report on the potential of the area for tourism and the estimated results of a best case / worst case scenario.
  • Producing literature for the tourist information centre - trekking maps, guides, photographs, postcards and items that could be sold to generate local income.
  • Sign post construction and trail maintenance working with locals and helping the locals to get started on grasping the English language.
  • Provision of computer equipment
  • Development of a garden for the local monastery.


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